Mysterious Rocks and some fishy tales – Vengurla

Here is a story dedicated to the mysterious Vengurla rocks and game fishing in its beautiful archipelago. I believe the rocks be sentient in nature, standing guard - a witness to a fiery history of storms, monster fish and man's undoings. Over the years, I have come to befriend them and now I know them by their names, so let me introduce you to a few of my mysterious rocky friends and their fish!

Vengurla Rocks. The devil and the deep sea. – Part 01

Strange and mysterious events unfold at a lighthouse on a desolate rock in the middle of the sea. Death not restricting itself to the lighthouse keepers, torments their loved ones too. As the strangeness gets out of control, the devil in that deep sea comes to life and fact gets stranger than fiction could ever be!

Hooked – Fishing in Goa Part 1 – Panjim, Reis Magos, Fort Aguada

The thing about Goa is that it wants to make a man put his roots down. Even an essentially rootless person like myself. It is laid back (almost horizontal at times) and compared to the rest of this money mad country, a haven for the senses. Yep, I could almost feel myself putting my roots... Continue Reading →

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