Vengurla Rocks. The devil and the deep sea. – Part 01

Strange and mysterious events unfold at a lighthouse on a desolate rock in the middle of the sea. Death not restricting itself to the lighthouse keepers, torments their loved ones too. As the strangeness gets out of control, the devil in that deep sea comes to life and fact gets stranger than fiction could ever be!

The Barracuda Pond – An Excerpt from the series “Fishing Goa”

Standing on the grassy banks of the pond, I stared into its brackish green water. Everything was still, except for the chance ripple of a dragonfly dipping into the water. Being the start of June, it was hot and sticky, and I could literally cut through the humidity with a knife. Among the deep greens... Continue Reading →

Alfie’s Ghost Story!

A ghostly tale of about two friends who plan a motorcycle trip to explore the forgotten jungles of Goa. Among other jungle denizens like bats and hungry panthers, they encounter the ruins of a haunted temple and its bloody thirsty deity!

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